On Thursday morning I was up early with my sweetheart to make a U.P. tour for work. We left home at 6am which is a lot earlier than I cared for, but I can sleep in the truck, so not a big deal. Our first stop was the Marinette building which is actually in Menominee, MI. I didn't even get out of the vehicle there. Then off to Escanaba where I helped do a couple of piddly things to help out. The next stop was in Germfask where we delivered an LH1 organ/piano and some artwork. I cleaned some toilets and cleaned the bugs out of the lens covers over the lights.
The next stop was actually at a grocery store to buy some treats. Then off to Marquette where I refilled some paper products. From there we drove to Houghton and got a spot at the Sunset Bay campground. We set up our tent and blew up the air mattress and headed out to get some dinner. Since it was already late, we got back to the campground when the sun was already set and there wasn't much light left in the sky. This is the view we found.
Here is the same view we found this morning. I woke up in the night and heard the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore of Lake Superior. I thought it must be windy, but there was no wind. Only the sound of the waves breaking on the shore.
As my husband was heating banana nut muffins on a rock in the firepit, I took a walk to the above point. The view was absolutely beautiful. We saw a ship at night and again in the morning.
This campground obviously has a lot of driftwood in the vacinity and someone made these pieces into a raptor. Kind of imaginative.
On the way south to Houghton, there are a ton of little towns. You may not realize that you've left one and entered another, except there is a sign saying which town you're now in. I saw this "ship" last year and decided this year that I needed to have a picture of it. It's some kind of memorial built out of stone.
It was a wonderful trip, but more important it was wonderful to spend two days with my sweetheart working and taking in some sights. After seeing so many beautiful things, I don't understand how anyone can deny the existance of God.
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