Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Apostle

On Friday evening, my husband, Tom and I drove in the fog to Neenah for a fireside. Elder D. Todd Christofferson is here to preside at the Green Bay Stake Conference. His son lives in Fondulac and so he had his father and mother speak at a fireside. Prior to the meeting, we had the opportunity because of Pat's current calling as Stake President, to have a meet and greet (along with the Appleton Stake Presidency and wives) with the Christoffersons. It was really fun.

I think we look at the general authorities as people who aren't really human. We put them on a pedistol and think that they must be more favored than any of God's other children. I discovered spending 45 minutes with them, that they are people who put their shoes on one at a time just like me. They have families and responsibilities and careers (or used to).

I've gained an appreciation for these gentlemen who serve so diligently. One of the things that Elder Christofferson told us about was President Monson. He said Sister Monson's health isn't very good and President spends a lot of time taking care of his wife. What a wonderful example of priorities. I'm very thankful that I went and was able to feel the Spirit bear witness of his holy call as an apostle.

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