Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Track Season Begins

I started track practice with my team last Monday in Bowler. Tuesday I was in Gresham and the rest of the week, we were together. The BIG change this year is that I'm the head coach and not the assistant. I liked being the assistant! But, Matt moved away and there was no one else willing to take on the job. I fear I may have this job for more years than I'm prepared to put in. I'm still waiting for an assistant coach. Erin has been a dear and is filling in where I can't be. What a blessing she is!

I've got some interesting youth on the team. Some are very talented and work hard. Some work hard and will do just fine simply because they work so hard. Some are talented and don't work hard and then there are those with little/no talent that don't work hard. Those are the ones that make the job difficult.

I surely miss the seniors from last year as they were such good leaders and workers. I've got some really great seniors this year so we'll be alright. Our first meet is scheduled for Tuesday the 30th. As I checked the weather for the next week, I doubt that we'll end up having that meet. The rest of this week looks good but beginning on Saturday our temps are supposed to decrease with snow/rain coming for next week. It is March so I suppose that's expected. I'm just really thankful for the warm weather in the past week.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

An Apostle

On Friday evening, my husband, Tom and I drove in the fog to Neenah for a fireside. Elder D. Todd Christofferson is here to preside at the Green Bay Stake Conference. His son lives in Fondulac and so he had his father and mother speak at a fireside. Prior to the meeting, we had the opportunity because of Pat's current calling as Stake President, to have a meet and greet (along with the Appleton Stake Presidency and wives) with the Christoffersons. It was really fun.

I think we look at the general authorities as people who aren't really human. We put them on a pedistol and think that they must be more favored than any of God's other children. I discovered spending 45 minutes with them, that they are people who put their shoes on one at a time just like me. They have families and responsibilities and careers (or used to).

I've gained an appreciation for these gentlemen who serve so diligently. One of the things that Elder Christofferson told us about was President Monson. He said Sister Monson's health isn't very good and President spends a lot of time taking care of his wife. What a wonderful example of priorities. I'm very thankful that I went and was able to feel the Spirit bear witness of his holy call as an apostle.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm Gorgeous!

This afternoon Cami and I were lying on the bed watching Sleeping Beauty. I told her that I thought Aurora was beautiful just like she is. She replied, "I'm not beautiful, I'm gorgeous!" There is apparently no problem with self-esteem in that child. The following are some pics she posed for just to prove how gorgeous she really is.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A returned missionary

On Sunday we had the opportunity to visit the Shawano Ward to listen to my nephew give his first talk after coming home off his mission. He's grown from a kid to a man while he served as is evidenced by the preceeding picture. Ok, maybe he doesn't look like it, but it surely shows in the way he carries himself. What a blessing to be able to serve a mission! The example goes a long way for the other siblings, cousins and friends as well. It was a real treat for me to be there.