This is her high school graduation picture.

I don't know where exactly this was taken, but that's me on her lap. My brother Kurt is off to the right and brother Brett is in the foreground. It appears we are playing BINGO. I'm guessing it was at my grandparent's home.

This photo was taken outside my great aunt June's home. It seems like we visited there a lot. I recall they had a great sand hill in the back yard that we spend hours in. It's interesting that we were only a family of five. I couldn't have been more than 3 years old, yet I remember this photo being taken.

This is one of my favorite photos of my mom with her sisters and their mom. It was taken in Oshkosh at my cousin Renee's wedding in 1983. She's only 45 in this photo which is younger than I am now. She was thin!!!
I am blessed to have been raised by this very independent, head-strong, talented, practical, giving woman. I feel bad that I didn't notice how great she was while I was young. Then it seemed she was just mean. She was responsible for all the discipline in our family. I'm sure it was a chore she didn't enjoy and wished my dad would've been a more active participant. Still, as I became a mother and looked to her for advice, she always knew best. She passed far too young for my liking. So, as you no longer celebrate birthdays Mom, know that you are still loved and missed every single day.

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