This entire week in seminary we've been studying the chapters in Mosiah where Abinadi is preaching to King Noah and his wicked priests. We've had some great eye-opening moments in class. I asked the class to imagine that they were a modern day Abinadi and they had the responsibility to go to President Obama and congress and call them to repentance and make them accountable for how they're running this country, spending tax-payer money and making laws. What might an experience like that be like? Would you be thrown out? Laughed at? Mocked?
The questions to wrap it all up today included: Where is your testimony? Could you be like Abinadi? Do you currently stand for the right? When we're in a group of people and an off-color story/joke is being told what do you do? Do you stay and listen? Leave? When someone is being put down, do you defend them or join in? We can and should be modern day Abinadis. I can't say we'll never be asked to choose between our lives or our religion, but I hope that we can stand firm in our knowledge of Christ!
The questions to wrap it all up today included: Where is your testimony? Could you be like Abinadi? Do you currently stand for the right? When we're in a group of people and an off-color story/joke is being told what do you do? Do you stay and listen? Leave? When someone is being put down, do you defend them or join in? We can and should be modern day Abinadis. I can't say we'll never be asked to choose between our lives or our religion, but I hope that we can stand firm in our knowledge of Christ!
1 comment:
I love this analogy--so true, all of it! Thanks. I miss Seminary and teaching the youth in that setting every day. I know you'd be awesome with those kids and they must just love you!!!
And thanks for your thoughts and comments for my sister and her new little miracle baby. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Also I'm loving reading Sammi's missionary letters from the MTC on her Hermana Pleshek blog. Such a unique experience and I'm so glad she's getting to experience it---the good and the bad. She'll do awesome out there. Thanks for sharing her emails and letters on her missionary blog. I love reading them even if I don't comment after each one.
I hope you and your family have a great and merry christmas.
Love You Lots!!
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