Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Return to Virtue!

For the last few weeks, we've been talking about the talk Return to Virtue from the last general conference. Both Pat and I had the same idea as that talk was being given. We need to have our own "banner." A few weeks ago, we purchased a banner for everyone and then we had a brainstorming FHE. Last night we finally put together our individual banners. The pictures aren't very good so I'll decipher them for you.This is Erin's. It has a quote from Brigham Young that says, "The men and women who desire the Celestial Kingdom must battle everyday." I think looking at that everyday would keep a person on task.

This one is Andrew's. It says, "Remember your be's." He stamped bees and beehives all over it. I was quite impressed that he came up with that on his own. Apparently somewhere along the way, President Hinckley's "Be's" made an impression on him.

This one is mine and will hang in our home where everyone will see it. It's a quote from President Monson that states, "You be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone." In the talk Sister Dalton stated that the word virtue comes from virtus which means strength.

Last but not least is Tom's. He summed it up with "Return to Virtue." He loves fireworks, so we had to have one on his banner. It was a fun home evening activity. Each of the individual banners will hang in the bedrooms of the creator. Clare made one as well with the Nauvoo temple on it and the words, "I'm going there someday." I'm guessing it will hang in the kid's bedroom.

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