An evening back to the temple prior to it's reopening so we could have some training. Being away for almost six months made the presidency a little nervous that we didn't remember. It was good to see the improvements and see it prior to working there.
We headed out the next morning for Florida. A beautiful sunrise from the plane!
Pat absolutely LOVES being in the water. On this day the current was taking him on his float and he wanted to remain nearby. So he went and found an anchor and anchored himself to the shore!
The anchor came off of this boat. I think the recent hurricane landed it here on the shore. It reminded me of the Minnow from Gilligan's Island. There didn't seem to be any damage. As I looked around the area, I found mounds of sand that didn't used to be there. The hurricane really changed the shoreline.
These sea birds didn't seem to mind me walking along the shoreline.
Dennis and Phyllis Allsop built a new home near Naples and the first morning we were there I saw this gorgeous sunrise as I spent time pre-dawn walking around the pool deck. One morning as I went out to walk in the dark I heard a low growl and decided that I would wait until it was light to go out. When I googled alligator sounds it was exactly the sound I heard. I didn't want to trust a little screen between me and an alligator to keep me safe.
While out boating we ran across this rather large jellyfish. I had never seen this type before. There was one on the sand that was dead but this one was floating in the water near our boat.
It is always fun to sit at the back of the boat and watch these two as we speed along or putt-putt through the no wake zone.
I always enjoy our time with the Allsops. What a blessing to have them as friends and that they like us enough to invite us to their home near the gulf!