Sunday, June 19, 2022
Flight 93 Memorial
Temple Open House
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Arlington National Cemetery

John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie along with their two children who died either at birth or before are also buried here. There is the "eternal flame" just above their headstones which Jackie lit.
Duck Trouble
In the summer of 2021 our neighbors across the road added duck to their flock of chickens. It didn't take long and there were ducklings. Cute little things that followed their mothers around. The problem with baby animals being so cute is that they grow up to be adult animals and they are no longer cute.
I have been feeding the birds for longer than we've lived in our present home. We moved from the old one in the spring of 2004. Needless to say, I enjoy watching the birds over the winter. Over the summer of 2021 I chased countless chickens out of our yard. Shooting them with the BB gun was a favorite way to get them to leave. A few of them found the remains of scattered bird seed on the ground. The ducks didn't become a problem until the winter.
They are fed each morning by their owners and yet they were always in our yard and on our driveway. The problem with ducks is that they can't just come over and eat the dropped seed, they need to poop on every surface they walk on. I chased them out of the yard mostly daily and then several times each day.
I spoke to the neighbor and said I didn't want them pooping on our property and she assured me that she would clip their wings. Perhaps that will keep them from flying over the fence and into our yard. Nope! Didn't happen. So in April I put out a Facebook post asked how to keep ducks out of our yard. Lots of responses and many that were amusing. The neighbor reads the post and comments that she didn't know it bothered me that much and she would take care of it.
Not only were these birds a nuisance in our yard but also on the road. They refused to move for cars. They were constantly on top of the tavern and even over on the Cerveny lawn. Erin contacted the town chairman who came for a drive through Lyndhurst and he too had to stop for ducks in the road. He sent it on to the county who let us know that ducks and chickens are farm animals and those types are not allowed in the hamlet of Lyndhurst.
Subsequently, they have gotten rid of the ducks and geese. If only the roosters would go. They are asking for a variance to keep the chickens. I don't know what the decision will be but I'm already in the dog house as I was the one who made a Facebook post. I really don't care if they have animals on their property. Just keep them on your property. The roosters really are a noise issue as they begin crowing in the morning (4am today) and don't quit until sunset.
Whoever thought this would be an issue living in Lyndhurst?