Dennis and Phyllis Allsop purchased a home in Bonita Springs, Florida about five years ago and have invited us to visit each year. We have gone each Spring for about a week. This was the latest we've gone as it was April before we went.
Dennis loves sto take us out on a boat. We spent one entire day on the water. It was lovely. Of course I got sunburned. Not my face, just my neck and arms.

The water was a bit chilly so I didn't go in. The wind was not too bad but still pretty breezy that it blew our umbrella down. Thus, my sunburn.
It doesn't matter the temperature of the water, my sweetheart loves the beach and goes in.
The rest of the week was far too windy to go boating so we just went to the beach. Pat attempted to find sand dollars. The waves were just too big and each time he found one, he was swept into a different spot and didn't get it.
I attempted to go out by him and each time the waves crashed over me I just giggled. The salty water was barely out of my eyes when the next wave would come crashing over me and I started laughing all over again. We got some good beach time even if I only went in the water once.
Each morning we got up early and went for a walk. I saw this giant plant that I think looks like an aloe and sent it to Erin. I needed Pat in it to get the proper size.
Some of the places in Village Walk (where the Allsops live) have these magnificent palm trees. I didn't know this, but there is only one palm indigenous to Florida and this is NOT it. I love these stately, royal palms.
Since I was sunburned and didn't want to be out in the sun, we went to TopGolf and tried our hand.
Each person gets 20 balls and we just took turns hitting them. Points are awarded depending on if your ball goes into one of the holes and which hole. I was the only person to get a hole in one. Still, I just barely got beat as every other set of balls was a bust. I'm either great or horrible.
I absolutely adore this man and spending time on vacation with him.
These are some of the greatest, most generous friends we know. We love them and their family.
The "golf course" is behind us.
It makes me nervous when the size of these waves is so big.

Dennis has some beautiful hibiscus plants on either side of his driveway. This plant has three different colors!
Even though this one is only pink, it's blooms make me happy.
On one of our early morning walks, the sun was coming up and I could see the colors of the sky reflected in the water. Just beautiful!
Pat climbed this tree in order to pull down a piece of palm that was dead and flapping in the breeze.
Several times during our walks we heard the cranes honking. On two separate occasions we saw one taking up residence on top of the walking bridges over the water. We walked right past this guy and then turned and took his photo. Then he flew away.
We cannot afford to live in Florida and nor do I want to. It is a beautiful place to visit especially when our weather is still cold. Good thing we have friends who request us to visit them each year.