I was walking out with Sammi and the children. I was holding Henry's hand when I noticed a little girl about seven walking in front of us. She was following a family that I felt was not hers. I knew I needed to stay and watch what was going on as I feared she would discover that she was lost. I handed Henry off to Evelyn and went to talk to her. She told me her name was Elizabeth. I took her hand and told her I would stay with her until we found her mom. She went to her car and no one was there. I asked her what her mom's name was. "Carmen" she told me. I asked if her dad's name was Brad. She affirmed that I was right. Just after that I saw her great-grandpa and took her to her family. When she saw her mom she was scooped up in her arms and she began to weep.
I thought about how the Spirit had used me to help Elizabeth. I left the ninety and nine (my family) to go help the "one." That's what the Savior did often. I watched this little girl weep in her mother's arms. I know that when I meet my Heavenly Father again, I will weep in His arms. I will not matter how "lost" I was in my life, he will be happy to hold me in His arms again.
After church today I spoke with Carmen and Brad and they thanked me for watching over their daughter. Brad said he was calling her name and she wasn't answering and he was beginning to panic. It was dark and there were a lot of people and cars. I knew how I would feel if I were Elizabeth looking for my mom and dad. I also knew how I would feel if I couldn't find one of my children. I could feel their relief as they thanked me. I was just glad I had the thought of common sense of what I perceived needed to be done.
I could easily say that it was something I did, but I know Elizabeth needed someone and the Spirit spoke to me as to what I needed to do to reunite her with her family. I'm grateful to know how the Spirit speaks to me, even when it seems like such a common sense thing to do or just a fleeting thought. I know that those are ways He speaks to me.