Yesterday we went for a bike ride mid-morning. I wanted to ride the 3 miles down highway 96 to see what kind of progress has been made on the bridge. 96 has been closed for the past six weeks and I'm already tired of going around on Connable Road.
It appears that the concrete will be poured soon. It is supposed to be open by the end of October. I surely hope so.
We were in Menards a few weeks ago and saw the floor cleaner doing it's thing. There was no human driving the piece of machinery. Only a stuffed monkey. As we stepped out in front of it, it stopped as the sensors "saw" us. Strange.
Two weeks ago there was a praying mantis on our window. I thought it strange since I haven't seen one here before.
With that said, today I saw another one. They are such cool critters. I recently saw a video of a praying mantis eating a murder hornet while it was still alive. Good bug!
A few weeks ago, after a rain, we saw this sand pile with its mini hoodoos. Another odd thing but still very cool.
The best part of living on the summit of Parley Street is that we get to see amazing sunsets. This picture doesn't capture it the way I saw it. The point is, there are beautiful sunsets because we are on top of the hill looking down to the river.
I will miss these views when we leave.