Back in June we had a pretty good thunderstorm during which Moroni was struck by lightning. His face and arm were black for quite a while. After time, the blackness washed off with the rain. We noticed, last week, that there was this crate sitting in the parking lot. We knew with the upcoming temple shut down, that this was the new Moroni.
I took a couple of photos last week of the one that was still sitting atop the temple.
Today was the day scheduled to replace Moroni. It was super cold today. Our normal highs are in the low 50's and today was a negative windchill when we got up. It was in the teens for a high. The sun shone brightly and it helped melt the snow that was on the sidewalks and roads. We came by and saw that the crate was opened and the beautiful new shiny Moroni was lying inside.
Two cranes were needed to take the old one down and put the new one up. One crane to lift the statue and the other crane to carry the workers who would be unfastening and fastening the statue.
We were informed that the placing of this statue on such a high place needs to have calm winds. This is usually done at the break of dawn as that's when winds are the calmest. This flag showed anything but calm winds.
Then we looked again. One of the Sisters said, "Someone said a prayer." The flag was just hanging there and the winds were gone.

The basket went up in the air with no one inside and I wondered about that. One of the temple engineers told me that they put a 500 pound weight inside and put it where the men would be working for a matter of predetermined time. It's a safety measure.
Once things were safe, the two guys unloaded the weights and climbed aboard for their climb aloft. They unscrew the lightning rod out of the top of Moroni's head and screw in a circular device that allows the crane to attach and lift him. Then the unscrew the four bolts holding him on the ball.
Once he's attached, they gently lift him off. He appears to be riding in the basket with the workers. He's actually behind.
The statue is taken off and it makes the slow and gentle descent to the ground.
I found it strange to see Moroni beside the steeple rather than on top.
He is attached to a long rod and there are cables below that. Those cables are attached to others inside that send the lightning into the ground.
I was really happy about having a sunny day with these gorgeous blue skies that helped to make this process really photogenic.
Down he comes!
Behind the trees.
Someone on the ground then grabs the cables to steady the statue as he comes to rest on the earth.
As the pole hits the ground he wanted to roll a bit.
And finally he's down.
This is a photo after the process was completed and the new statue was erected.
Here's the new, golden Moroni glistening in the sun!
This is the face of the Moroni on the ground. I'm quite surprised at the detail of his head and face considering he is so far up in the air and no one can see it.
Here's the new one going up.
The guys in the crane were obviously professionals at operating these machines as there really wasn't any wobbling of the things being raised and lowered.
Just another view of the guys working on Moroni.
This guy is one of the temple engineers posing with Moroni in the crate. I like how his horn is wrapped.
I don't know who or how this crate was delivered.
Again, look at the detail of his face and head and chest. And look how SHINY he is!
We found out that the old statue will be taken back to Utah and repaired. Then he will be either set aside or sent back here in case the new one gets struck by lightning. This one is unique to the Nauvoo temple. His left hand it open. Apparently some of the statues, his hand is closed.
It was an historic day here in Nauvoo. I will probably never see an angel Moroni placed on a finished temple let alone see one removed and a new one placed. It was pretty cool!