This handsome face belongs to the love of my life. He's my rock and pillar. I depend on him for so much and I adore him. He's a busy guy who loves to serve both the Lord and the community.
On Sunday evenings we like to take a stroll. Sometimes everyone comes with us and sometimes it is just the two of us. On Sunday evening it was just us holding hands and strolling along the road. Pat mentioned as we got to the end of the road by the Ferguson's that his shoulder hurt. He stretched it and rotated it but the ache was still there. When we returned home we went upstairs to our bedroom where it was quieter as the children were playing Apples to Apples in the kitchen and that gets loud. We laid on our bed and watched a movie. He said the shoulder felt better. He put in a very good night's sleep.
On Monday morning about 6am he said the pain was back and was beginning to radiate down his left arm. No decision needed to be made. We were headed to the ER. Andrew was still home and we asked him and Bishop Newell to give Pat a blessing. Andrew gave a beautiful blessing in which he told his father to seek out the proper medical specialists and that there was much yet to be accomplished by him here on earth. Very comforting. On a side note, Andrew had no idea why his dad was headed to the emergency room.
We thought about going straight to Green Bay because Aurora is our preferred provider. Just coming out of the long swamp on county U, Pat said we better stop in Shawano. I watched his agitation and knew that was the right call. Once there, they did an EKG. Dr. George came in and told us that it was abnormal and most likely he was having some type of heart attack. They did a second one and it too was abnormal. They gave him some aspirin and some nitro. That took the discomfort away. An ambulance ride to Green Bay and straight into the Cath lab for an angioplasty. The stop in Shawano saved time as the Cath lab and doctor were ready as soon as we arrived at Bay Care due to the Shawano ER sending all the important information before we arrived.
Dr. Witmer came to tell me he had one artery 99% blocked which they fixed with a stent. After he was settled in his room in the ICU, an echocardiogram was done. It showed the lower left part of the heart with damage and it was not working properly. The percentage of blood flowing out (ejection fraction) with each compression should be 65%. His was 35%. The nurse was optimistic about the heart being able to heal itself just because the quick response time. That 35% meant two nights in the hospital. The nursing staff and all the other medical professionals were so great and very helpful in explaining what each drug did and why it was important for his recovery. We were told that this was a significant heart attack. Not just a mild one.
As I drove home I talked to Erin and later with Sammi about the fact that this discomfort happened on a Sunday. It could have happened on Saturday when he was so busy with the Gresham Yes celebration. He may not have felt the pain as different as he was busy lifting and moving things. It happened on a Sunday when there was no physical exertion beyond getting dressing and that little stroll. When I spoke to Jeff about this, he said he thought it was a direct result of keeping the Sabbath day holy. I had to agree with him. Such a tender mercy! Who would think that having a heart attack on Sunday would be a blessing compared to another day of the week? I am absolutely in agreement with this thinking.
I posted something on Facebook on Monday night after I had all the facts. So many people said they were praying for him. That was my hope. There is power in prayer and more power in the prayers of many. When I went this morning to get him, he was absolutely ready to leave. We waited and waited for the doctor to come visit and he didn't. Then we were told he needed another echo to see what the ejection fraction was. When the doctor came back with results he said it was at 45%! He said that that was highly unusual and expected that all of the damage would repair itself and he would have no permanent damage. I cannot tell you what a miracle that is! I know that the power of prayer and the power of the priesthood are real!
I never let myself think that I might lose my sweetheart. When we were reunited after the procedure, there were tears. Tears of relief, thanksgiving and love. Clare reported to me that when she told the children what was going on with their Papa, little 8-year-old Adam fell to his knees and said, "Let's say a prayer." It's the faith of a child. Sammi reported that when I told her I was taking Dad to the ER, she got out of bed and fell to her knees in prayer. I didn't have time to fall to my knees but I plead with my Father in Heaven to bless and heal my husband as I was driving to Green Bay.
I'm so thankful for the miracle of modern medicine. It has saved my life more than once. Now it has saved my eternal companion. I could never doubt that God is real and that He is in control! Never! It feels like I've just fallen in love all over again, but at a much deeper level. I love that man more than anything and look forward to spending many, many years together.
2 weeks ago