Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Andrew has met a beautiful woman with the name of Cierra Su'a.  She came home with him from Salt Lake City on the 16th and stayed for four full days.  She flew home to Independence, MO on the morning of the 21st.  
 It was a joy to get to meet her and find out more about her.  She's a returned missionary.  She served in Brazil which was really nice for Jeff.  They can speak to one another in Portugese.
 They met on the dating app "Mutual."  These were their profile pictures.  It turns out that they are in the same single's stake in Salt Lake.  She is attending the University of Utah.
 I don't know everything about her obviously, but I know that I love her. 
 She and Andrew have gone on some interesting dates.  Like hiking up the mountain in order to watch the sun rise. 
 They've gone to see the "Tree of Life" in Draper.  I love this photo.  I think I'll put it on my wall.
They've also gone to the Christmas devotional in the Conference Center (along with Erin) and to a Jazz game as well as a few basketball games at the U of U.  I believe she will fit in our family beautifully.

A ring was purchased just yesterday and a tentative date of May 11th has been set for a wedding in the Nauvoo temple.  Interesting that my 7 year old son told me upon walking into the sealing room in the Nauvoo temple (before he even knew what happened in that room), "This is where I'm going to get married." 

Finding quality mates is one of my greatest desires for my children.  So far, so good.  They all have impeccable taste in finding someone who loves Jesus Christ and desires to make a forever family.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Day 30 - Gratitude

Today I'm thankful for gratitude.
 I'm thankful that I have the ability to see the good in just about everything.  I look around my life and give thanks to God for all that I have physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  I find that in my prayers I give thanks and ask for very little....most of the time.
I recall President Monson giving a talk called "An Attitude of Gratitude" which I could totally relate to.  I can be negative at times but for the most part I am a very positive, upbeat kind of person.  I love life.  I love my life!  Even with the difficulties I've faced, I have never blamed God for those difficulties.  I've always, always come out stronger in the end.  As I look back over the past month I've discovered that I have more to be grateful for than I thought.  Most of it belongs in the intangible class.  I can't put a price on it.  It doesn't mean the same to others as it does to me.  They are very personal things.  I'm grateful that I have the personality that I do and I'm able to see how blessed I am!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Day 29 - Priesthood Key Holders

Today I am thankful for Key Holders!
 I've always had a respect for the brethren who hold the keys and are able to exercise them in my behalf.  These are men called of God for certain.
 There were a few times over the 9+ years that my husband served as stake president that I strongly felt the mantle of the calling upon him and literally saw it.
 Those were special moments.  They happened during a stake conference and also just as I sat in the congregation and watched him deliver the message God had for him to deliver that specific day.
 I've known many of these men throughout my life who served as either my stake or district president or as my bishop or branch president.  There were times when I didn't necessarily agree with what they had to say to me, but I always accepted it graciously.  And in the end knew that it was their call and I needed to sustain them.
Tonight I witnessed our bishop as he counseled with a couple going through the death of their son.  I saw his gentle nature and heard his wise words.  I saw the mantle of bishop upon him and I'm grateful for that.  I have a testimony that he was called of God to serve as our bishop at this time for a specific purpose.  I support and sustain my priesthood leaders.  I'm grateful to have them in my life.

Day 28 - The Plan of Salvation

I am thankful for the Plan of Salvation!
 Also called the Plan of Happiness.  I am so grateful that I have a knowledge that after I and my loved ones (and everyone else) will still be alive.  The physical body may be laid to rest but the spirit lives on!  Not only that, but we keep learning!  And the best part is that we can be with our families and loved ones for eternity!  Oh how that piece of knowledge gives me comfort.
When my mother passed to the next life, it was so hard for me.  I had this knowledge but it was still very difficult to not have her here.  When I lost my sister, Tina, I went through so many of the same emotions but actually did so much of my mourning before she was even gone.  Just knowing I was going to lose her was really hard.  I needed to be strong for her children but in my own quiet times, I was a mess.
Somehow, knowing I would lose my dad wasn't as difficult.  I knew I would miss him greatly but I had such comfort in knowing he would be with my mom and his parents, two brothers, grandparents, Tina and numerous other friends and relatives.  That actually did make things a bit easier.
God provides us with the perfect plan and with His son, Jesus Christ who makes it all possible.  His atonement in our behalf gives me strength and courage to take on every difficult task. 
I LOVE God's plan!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 27 - Family HIstory

I am thankful for Family History!
 I have gained an appreciation for family history.  Specifically an appreciation for details about the lives of my ancestors.
 Pictures are priceless.  I love photos but I love details even better.  I want faces to go with the names.
 I've been able to upload some great pieces of detail on my family search web page.  I most recently found a letter written by my grandmother, Selma to my dad for his birthday.
 I've found some birthday cards and letters written to and from these two cuties.  They made me laugh and cry to read their beautiful words of love written to one another.
These priceless words from grandchildren to their Papa filled my heart at the time of Dad's funeral.  What's even better is that I have these words on his family search web page.  I love the gift of remembering.  I feel like I know more about the people who came before me. 

Day 26 - The Sabbath

I love the Sabbath Day!
 When I read the 10 commandments in Exodus, most of them take one verse.  When the Lord tells us to keep the Sabbath day holy, he used four verses.  That tells me what a big deal it is to Him.
 On the Sabbath day I have the opportunity to partake of the holy emblems of Christ's body and blood.  I have the opportunity to "remember" Him more fully.
It is a day for me to rest from my daily labors and chores and spend time with my family, going to church and working on my relationship with my Savior. I have come to appreciate this holy day!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Day 25 - Grandchildren

I am thankful for grandchildren!
 These sweet faces belong to some of my favorite people on the planet!  I love the role of being Nana!
 These little people love me unconditionally for which I'm grateful.  They love to spend time with me.
 Sometimes their expressions give me a chance to giggle.  Like this little Butchie.
 They want to be involved in everything.  They love rides with their Papa on his motorcycle.  They also love walks and bike rides with us.
 Faces that make me fall in love all over again.  Such wonderful little people in my life.
 Despite the age differences, these cousins are such great friends.  I love that Cami doesn't have an issue playing with Evie. 
My mom always said if she could do it over again, she would skip being a mom and going straight to being a grandma.  I wouldn't go that far.  I love being a mother.  I also love being Nana to all my munchkins.

Day 24 - Holidays

I am thankful for holidays!
 It's a time for our family to gather for good food, good conversation and good feelings.
 It's also a time for us to make new friends.  It was fun to have Fabio stay with us for several days and get to know him and love him.
 It's fun to give gifts and watch the faces of the receivers as they recognize they got something they like.
 As I said before, it is a time for family.  We can't get together for each holiday but we can get everyone together one way or another.  Facetime was the only way to get all of us together when we had missionaries serving.
 The 4th of July is a perfect time for a family reunion.  This was the last one we had and it was a few months before our father left this earth.  I'm so grateful we did it. 
 My home seems to be the place for gathering.  Is it because I'm the hostess or because it's just tradition?
I know I was thankful for my husband, children, siblings as well as extended family earlier but holidays give us the opportunity to gather.  I love the major holidays!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day 23 - My Home

I am thankful for my home!
I have always loved living in the house where I grew up.  It was a great place to grow up!  So many kids in the neighborhood and such a safe place with very little traffic.  We could race our bikes around the back of the house from the alley back to the house again.  We would fly out of the alley right onto the road and never thought about the fact that a car could have come along and wiped out several children.
In 2004 my father offered us the house.  (My husband has always wanted to live in it.)  We purchased the home and made a few updates.  We've made more since.  It still looks similar to these pictures, even with new siding, windows, porch and roof.  

This is the place where my family gathers in every season.  We spend our summers outside in the back yard.  At times around the fire pit.  We host picnics and play and visit with friends and family.  In the winter, we huddle inside around the wood stove in the basement.  I love this home even more now than I did as a kid.  It's just different having my children and grandchildren grow here than it was when I was growing up.  I have so many, many wonderful memories in this home from my entire life!  I love this place!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Day 22 - Nauvoo

I am thankful for Nauvoo!
 This place has been a second home to our family.
We love this place.
 We love going over and over again.  And especially when we can get more of us there.
 We've had two children married there and I expect more will choose this sacred temple to be married for eternity.
 It is the place where we have met life long friends.
 We bond as a family in this place.
  We love visiting any time of the year and always manage to take a walk or two.
 The City of Joseph pageant was a blessing to us and especially to our children.
 Our testimonies were strengthened and probably some of them born in this place.
 Our children made life long friends here as well.
 I feel like this is the place where we learned to carry the banner or truth in our lives.
 It is a place for families to bond.
 Ours certainly did.
 Words simply cannot express my love for the place. 
 Life is better because we share this place with our family.
It is a place of history for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.  But it is a place of beautiful memories for the Pleshek family.  I feel lost if I don't have the opportunity to visit at least once a year.  Fortunately, we don't have to dress like this each time we go.