Today is Mother's Day. Many of you who are reading this know of my dislike for this day. It stems from having an expectation that has never been met. Last year I had a change of heart. I decided it was time to stop being offended and embrace the fact that I am blessed to be a mother. There are many wonderful women in the church who have never had the blessing that I have of being a mother.
This year I'm going to stop my whining and just celebrate my children. Here is my mother with one of my older brothers. What a cute baby! I want to say that it's Brett.
My mom told me once that she was a better part-time mother than full time one. When my little sister was two years old she went back to work part-time. She took a 12 year maternity leave. She actually went back to the same job she had before. I think she was right. She was such a thinker that I think she needed that intellectual stimulation that came with her job. I never resented it. I'm sure my siblings didn't either.
Ma Hoffman not only raised her children but had a hand in raising her grandchildren, whether we wanted that or not. I think about my self esteem and that of most of my cousins. Most of us are very self-assured individuals. You couldn't go to visit without being told how skinny, beautful or wonderful you were. Surely you had time to sit down and have some ice cream. She always had Dehn's ice cream.
My grandma Otto showed me that life can be fun. She smiled and laughed always. At least while I knew her. She didn't do any unnecessary speaking (unlike me). Her siblings always had so much to say. I think she just kept her mouth shut and observed. Her laugh was infectious. After my mom's death I would make a point to go visit her on Mother's Day. It was the closest I could feel to my own mother. How grateful I am to have these beautiful women in my life to show me how to be a mom.

These are my crazies that call me "Mom." How blessed I am to have them as my children. Even the one who married in. He's a perfect fit for us. Motherhood has had it's challenges, but the blessings have been so much more than the challenges ever have been. I have such obedient children whose desire it is to serve the Lord. I don't know that I can take credit for that, but I am thankful. They are my best friends. This year, even though Erin is away at school, I feel particularly blessed to be able to have Sammi home. She's an example to me of how I need to serve the Lord, with my whole heart.

This picture is a few years old as Cami is now four. My daughter Clare is an incredible mother. She's given me the opportunity to be "Nana." How I love that blessing! She's so patient with her little ones. Oh I know that there are times when she probably just sits down and cries feeling overwhelmed. I did that very thing many times. I'm blessed to have her and her family live so close. I know it isn't fair to Miriam, but I love having them just a few miles away.
I pray that one day my other children will be blessed to be a mom or dad and be able to experience those things that can only come as you are a parent. First of course they need that eternal spouse. Time should take care of that.
The opportunity to be a wife and mother is the greatest calling that I could ever hold. I've had callings in the church that I love. I love being a seminary teacher. I love being with the choir every week. Those things, as great as they are, don't even compare to how much I love being a sweetheart and mommy. They do help me become a better one though.
Heavenly Father surely knew what he was doing when he created eternal families. I'm ever in His debt that I've got one!